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Partnering for Equity in Black and Marginalized Communities




Year Up & AbbVie
Partnership at a Glance



In late 2020, the AbbVie Foundation launched a five-year commitment to advance health and education equity in Black and marginalized communities by investing a total of $50 million across six nonprofit partners, including Year Up. Supporting health and educational equity, as well as advancing opportunity for people of color, are an integral part of AbbVie's philanthropy. Since the company's inception in 2013, AbbVie and the AbbVie Foundation have invested more than $120 million in programs that purposefully support reduction of disparities in underserved communities in the U.S. AbbVie's Year Up investment enables skills training aligned with industry demand in specialties including information technology, financial operations, sales and customer support, business operations, and software development and support, in locations including Chicago, New York | New Jersey, Greater Boston, the Bay Area, and Los Angeles.

Our Impact


With AbbVie's support in 2021, Year Up's campuses in Greater Boston, the Bay Area, Chicago, and New York | New Jersey served more than 3,000 young adults and increased support to program participants and graduates. In these communities, the AbbVie Foundation’s grant is also supporting pilots of key program innovations which aim to scale Year Up's proven model sustainably. These innovations have the potential to increase Year Up's capacity to serve young adults by ten times.



AbbVie employees volunteered to serve as mock interviewers in our first year of partnership


Students served in 2021 thanks to AbbVie's support

Changemaker Badge


Year Up’s Corporate Changemakers play a critical role in helping Year Up close the Opportunity Divide for young adults in this country. Changemakers understand that employers must think differently about who is talented to address pervasive hiring challenges that affect their businesses. These impactful companies have demonstrated their commitment to Year Up's mission through generous philanthropic contributions that help to create substantive systems change and professional opportunities for talented young adults.